Landed back in Florida this month. We are here for a short time and will return to Haiti, Lord willing around the end of September. Of course that greatly depends on raising support and securing a shipboard water maker for our team. We had some drought this time and the filthy springs just aren't what we need to drink from. Please pray for the Lord to send the funds that we need to sustain our Gospel ministry in the people of Haiti and beyond.
We had another great annual convention at Labastille-Mirebalais where Pasteur Pierre St.Niilen Noel is pastor and Director of over 12 churches in Haiti. There were good crowds, special singing, street ministry, convention preaching, Bible study & seminars, ordaining of Elders & Deacons. Had about 700 on Sunday. Here are a few of the preachers of the L'eglise Evangelique Baptiste de la Bible in Haiti.
Several hundred were in the Street Ministry march.
The Lord gave us great liberty and souls were saved. The revival continued at Pastor Noel's even after the conference.
Pastor J.C. Chris Hall , preached for us and he and his family helped us in ministry in Haiti. Pastor JC and Colton will return with us this fall .
One of the biggest blessings is the success the Lord gave us in the church building at Sou Lettre, Il A Vache. Since December we have been able to raise the walls and put on the rafters and roof. We then finished the platform inside where we preached several times with Pasteur Sainvil. Kathy worked with the Youth Ministry in Sou Lettre. There are quite a number of young people and this church is so important to get them saved before the enemy can get hold of them. We need to continue to raise support so we can finish the interior, doors, windows etc.
We are blessed to be able to preach at many churches on Il A Vache and all over Haiti.
We were blessed to have a chance to minister in the mountains and see some friends. We spent many years in the mountains of Haiti and saw God do great things. It was not easy ministry but it was worth every mile to see God touch lives and save souls.
I used to have a mule named Jack that I traveled around Haiti on, old Jack was a dependable means of transportations up and over the mountains. Kathy and I were blessed to be able to use a motorcycle this summer. Faster than Jack, but there were some scary moments on the edges of a few cliffs.
Safe clean fresh water here is a problem. We are dealing with it installing cisterns, and in disaster situations we use our ministry Rainman desalinators to turn seawater "salt" into clean fresh water. These Rainman watermakers make upwards of 37-40 gallons en hour.
We need your support. Please click on the donate button to contribute. Be sure to share our newsletter of Facebook, Twitter and email. Let your friends know that a good work is being done in Haiti and the Caribbean. We are available for meetings, revivals etc. Just give us a call or email.